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2020 "God has no problems, only plans."

Mitchell Dean • June 25, 2020
As I was studying Revelation 4 and Isaiah 6 today. I thought what one commentator had to say was very applicable for this season we are in. 

“Our affairs rest in the hands not of men but of God! Hence, when the world is enkindling the flames of hatred and slaughter and when the earth is drenched with blood, may our tear-dimmed eye catch a vision of The Throne which rules the universe. In the midst of trial and tribulation may our gaze be riveted upon the one who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” (Hendrickson, More than Conquereors, 99-100) 

Corrie Ten boom, a woman who hid Jews from the Nazis and went to prison for her efforts once said, “There is no panic in Heaven! God has no problems, only plans.” I like Corrie, have truly looked to lift my eyes heavenward to our Great King seated upon the throne! I have been drawing strength walking alongside Isaiah and hearing him say “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord High and lifted up.” Just like in the days of Isaiah, it seems as if things are out of control. However, just as he derived strength form beholding the Glory of the Lord so have I. What Joy & peace this fixation has brought to my life. AW Tozer once said “worship is the missing jewel in modern evangelicalism”. However, a glimpse of the Lord as revealed in Revelation 4 & Isaiah 6 is empowering me to rediscover that jewel, and provide the strength and clarity needed to navigate these times. My response has been that of Isaiah “Here I am Lord, Send me.” I pray that would be your response as well. May we remove the basket from the lamp and let the light shine, as we rest assured that darkness will never overcome the light.

God Bless,
Mitchell Dean

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